Chiropractic care has been around for over 100 years and is used by almost 2 million Ontarians. So a few myths are bound to pop up. Let’s see if we can straighten out a few of them.
1. They crack your bones! Ok we all know where this one comes from - that popping noise that sometimes happens during an adjustment. It is NOT your bones cracking. It IS a bubble of gas that escapes when the joint is moved. If you’ve ever cracked your knuckles you’ve done the same thing. Which while we’re at it we might as well debunk that myth too - cracking your knuckles will NOT give you arthritis.
2. It’s addictive! Chiropractic care isn’t addictive. Sugar is addictive, caffeine is addictive, cigarettes are addictive and many other things as well. Here’s what the stand course of treatment looks like for chiropractic care:
Relief care: to deal with immediate acute pain. This is the most intensive period and depending on the severity of the issue could mean 1-3 visits / week over a short period of time usually 2 - 4 weeks.
Corrective Care: for conditions that are more severe or chronic. The frequency of the visits trail off until function and mobility are restored.
Maintenance Care: optional but highly recommended to help preserve the benefits of the care you’ve received. Periodic check ups can help catch “problems” in the early stages before they have become painful or disruptive to your life.
3. They’re not real doctors. In Ontario Doctors of Chiropractic are considered primary care professionals, which means you don’t need a referral from another doctor to see a chiropractor. They spend 4 years (and over 4200 hours) of specialized training at an accredited chiropractic institution. Their studies include anatomy, pathology, biomechanics, chiropractic principles, diagnosis and adjustment techniques. Chiropractors are only one of 5 classes of health care professionals able to use the title of Doctor in Ontario.
4. It can cause stroke. “A Canadian study published in 2001 in the medical journal Stroke, also concluded that stroke caused with neck adjustment is so rare that is it difficult to calculate an accurate risk ratio. The study was conducted by the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) and the authors have stated: ‘The evidence to date indicates that the risk associated with chiropractic manipulation of the neck is both small and inaccurately estimated. The estimated level of risk is smaller than that associated with many commonly used diagnostic tests or prescription drugs.’”
Taken from the Ontario Chiropractic Association website.
5. There’s no science to back it up. According to the National Centre for Complementary and Integrative Health, “A 2010 review of scientific evidence on manual therapies for a range of conditions concluded that spinal manipulation/ mobilization may be helpful for several conditions in addition to back pain including migraine, and cervicogenic (neck-related) headaches, neck-pain, upper and lower extremity joint conditions and whiplash associated disorders."
A study in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics found Chiropractic was better than placebo or muscle relaxants for low back pain.
For a list of 6 other studies all discussing the benefits of chiropractic care for a variety of conditions follow this link to the Ontario Chiropractic Association.
6. I can crack my own back. First, I thought we already established there was no “cracking” going on? Secondly just because you hear that “popping” noise doesn’t mean you’ve successfully managed to put your joint or vertebrae into the proper position. Remember this takes 4200 hours of training! You may, in fact, be causing more problems. Even chiropractors don’t adjust themselves - we go to another chiropractor.
7. It’s painful. Chiropractic adjustments aren’t painful. Sometimes when you come with a sore, tender, aching back or joint putting pressure on it will feel uncomfortable - like pressing on a bruise. And occasionally after an adjustment you might have some achy muscles like starting a new exercise program. However, most people don’t experience any pain or discomfort and many actually experience a huge sense of relief.
8. It’s not good for children. Chiropractic care is suitable for all ages - from children to seniors. Chiropractic care may be especially beneficial for young athletes.
9. It’s only effective for back pain. Well it IS effective for back pain but it’s ALSO effective for treating:
- arthritis
- headaches
- joint pain
- migraines
- neck pain
- repetitive strain injuries
- sports related injuries
- sprains
- whiplash
- work-related injuries
The reason it’s effective for all of these other conditions is because it does so much more than just relieve pain. Chiropractic care also improves mobility, posture, flexibility, range of motion and athletic performance. It can help prevent injuries and correct your gait and foot problems, all of which make it applicable to so much more than just a sore back.
10. It’s expensive. Chiropractic care is covered by most insurance providers. How much will depend on your particular plan. Please check with your insurance company first. For more information on which insurance companies we can bill directly check out the Chiropractic page. For information on our pricing see the pricing page.
Hopefully, this list has straightened out a few of the myths surrounding Chiropractic care (sorry I couldn’t resist). Did we miss any that you think should be on here? Is there a rumor you need help putting to rest? Contact us - we’d love to discuss any concerns you may have.
(705)878-5054 or